What would you say to a CS student who claims JavaScript is the "best programming language"?


Here is what I think about any discussion that fits this sentence.

X{most trending language} is the best programming language

  • He is yet to achieve his programming adulthood and is right now in teenage.

  • He has programming experience of less than 2 years. Experienced programmer wouldn’t make the comment

  • He has recently understood a rare concept of language X and thinks it is something unique that no other language has.

  • He wants to prove that he has acquired great knowledge about the language. And will make the most argument using technical jargons from blogs .

  • He learns language because it’s trending.

  • While all this happens and he puts up all these points I’ll happily agree to everything this guy says and wait for the day to meet the same guy after few years and see the change.

Here is my belief.

Brushes and colors are useless until it lands on artists hands. Same goes to programming languages. They are useless until touched by a good programmer.

Originally Written on Quora.